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200810-20117月,美国Stowers医学研究所,Jennifer  Gerton实验室开展博士后研究工作

20119-20152月,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH),Jurrien  Dean实验室开展博士后研究工作





中国畜牧兽医学会第二届井冈新秀(2019);大北农青年学者奖(2017);美国国立卫生研究院Nancy Nossal研究奖(2013);全国人口和计划生育优秀科技成果一等奖(2011


中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖学分会理事;中国动物学会生殖生物学分会理事;中国动物学会细胞与分子显微技术分会理事;Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology编委


国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目;国家自然科学基金面上项目;国家重点研发计划生殖重点专项;江苏省自然科学基金青年项目;  南京农业大学高层次人才启动经费


实验室长期从事哺乳动物卵子质量控制的分子机理研究,为解析卵子质量低下引起人类生育力和家畜繁殖力下降提供了重要的理论依据。主要学术成果包括:1)探明染色体黏合蛋白调控卵子成熟和染色体倍性的分子网络和信号通路;2)揭示受精的生物学基础和调控机制;3)解析卵子成熟与受精的环境影响因素。在Science AdvancesCurrent  BiologyCell ReportsNucleic Acids  Research, PLoS Genetics 等国际权威学术期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,总引用超2000次。





1.  Zhou C, Zhang X, Miao Y, Zhang Y, Li Y, Xiong B*. The cohesin  stabilizer Sororin drives G2-M transition and spindle assembly in mammalian  oocytes. Sci Adv. 2021 Sep 24;7:eabg9335.

2. Zhou  C, Miao Y, Cui Z, ShiYang X, Zhang Y, Xiong B*. The cohesin  release factor Wapl interacts with Bub3 to govern SAC activity in female  meiosis I. Sci Adv. 2020 Apr 8;6(15):eaax3969.

3.  Lu Y, Li S, Cui Z, Dai X, Zhang M, Miao Y, Zhou C, Ou X, Xiong B*.  The cohesion establishment factor Esco1 acetylates α-tubulin to ensure proper  spindle assembly in oocyte meiosis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018  Mar 16;46(5):2335-2346.

4.  Lu Y, Dai X, Zhang M, Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Xiong B*. Cohesin  acetyltransferase Esco2 regulates SAC and kinetochore functions via  maintaining H4K16 acetylation during mouse oocyte meiosis. Nucleic  Acids Res. 2017 Sep 19;45(16):9388-9397.

5.  Miao Y, Cui Z, Gao Q, Rui R, Xiong B*. Nicotinamide  mononucleotide supplementation reverses the declining quality of maternally  aged oocytes. Cell Rep. 2020 Aug 4;32(5):107987. 



52.  Zhou C, Zhang X, Miao Y, Zhang Y, Li Y, Xiong B*. The cohesin  stabilizer Sororin drives G2-M transition and spindle assembly in mammalian  oocytes. Sci Adv. 2021 Sep 24;7:eabg9335. (IF=14.1)

51.  Chen Y, Pan C, Lu Y, Miao Y*, Xiong B*. HDAC8 drives spindle  organization during meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes. Cell Prolif.  2021 Aug 25:e13119. (IF=6.8)

50.  Chen J, Miao Y, Gao Q, Cui Z, Xiong B*.  Exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate in vitro perturbs the quality of  porcine oocytes via induction of apoptosis. Environ Pollut. 2021 Sep  1;284:117508. (IF=8.0)

49.  Chen J, Cui Z, Qiu Y, Zhang X, Chen F, Wang H, Xiong B, Miao Y*,  Gao Q*. Exposure to Copper Compromises the Maturational Competency of  Porcine Oocytes by Impairing Mitochondrial Function. Front Cell Dev Biol.  2021 Jun 4;9:678665. (IF=6.6)

48.  Zhou C, Miao Y, Zhang X, Xiong B*. WAPL orchestrates porcine oocyte  meiotic progression via control of spindle assembly checkpoint activity. Reprod  Biol Endocrinol. 2021 Apr 19;19(1):57. (IF=5.2)

47.  Li Y, Miao Y, Chen J, Xiong B*. SIRT6 Maintains Redox Homeostasis to  Promote Porcine Oocyte Maturation. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Feb  25;9:625540. (IF=6.6)

46.  Shi X, Miao Y, Zhang K, Gong S, Xiong B*. Ethylene glycol butyl ether  deteriorates oocyte quality via impairing mitochondrial function. FASEB J.  2021 Apr;35(4):e21280. (IF=5.1)

45.  Miao Y, Li X, Shi X, Gao Q, Chen J, Wang R, Fan Y*,  Xiong B*. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Restores the Meiotic Competency  of Porcine Oocytes Exposed to Ethylene Glycol Butyl Ether. Front Cell Dev  Biol. 2021 Feb 2;9:628580. (IF=6.6)

44.  Miao Y, Chen J, Gao Q, Xiong B*. Generation  and assessment of high-quality mouse oocytes and embryos following  nicotinamide mononucleotide administration. STAR Protoc. 2021 Jan  22;2(1):100298.

43.  Miao Y, Cui Z, Gao Q, Rui R, Xiong B*. Nicotinamide  mononucleotide supplementation reverses the declining quality of maternally  aged oocytes. Cell Rep. 2020 Aug 4;32(5):107987. (IF=9.4)

42. Zhou  C, Miao Y, Cui Z, ShiYang X, Zhang Y, Xiong B*. The cohesin  release factor Wapl interacts with Bub3 to govern SAC activity in female  meiosis I. Sci Adv. 2020 Apr 8;6(15):eaax3969. (IF=14.1)

41. ShiYang X, Miao Y, Cui Z, Lu Y, Zhou C, Zhang Y, Xiong  B*. Casein kinase 2 modulates the spindle assembly checkpoint to  orchestrate porcine oocyte meiotic progression. J Anim Sci Biotechnol.  2020 Apr 8;11:31. (IF=5.0)

40. Dai X, Qiu L, Zhao B, Gao Y, Mu Y, Chu Z, Du L, Xiong  B*. Melatonin ameliorates the fertilization capacity of oocytes exposed  to 17α-ethynylestradiol. Reprod Toxicol. 2020 Apr;93:61-67.

39. Zhang M, Lu Y, Chen Y,  Zhang Y, Xiong B*. Insufficiency of melatonin in follicular fluid  is a reversible cause for advanced maternal age-related aneuploidy in  oocytes. Redox Biol. 2020 Jan;28:101327. (IF=11.7)

38. Zhang Y, Tan R, Wang L, Shi X,  Li Y, Zhong X, He X, Xiong B*. Shoutai pills improve the quality  of oocytes exposed to the chemotherapeutic drug Hydroxyurea. Aging (Albany  NY). 2020 May 10;12. (IF=5.6)

37. Zhou C, Zhang X, Chen Y, Liu X, Sun Y, Xiong B*.  Glutathione alleviates the cadmium exposure-caused porcine oocyte meiotic  defects via eliminating the excessive ROS. Environ Pollut. 2019  Sep 7;255(Pt 1):113194. (IF=8.0)

36. Zhang M, ShiYang X, Zhang Y, Miao Y,  Chen Y, Cui Z, Xiong B*. Coenzyme Q10 ameliorates the quality of  postovulatory aged oocytes by suppressing DNA damage and apoptosis. Free  Radic Biol Med. 2019 Nov 1;143:84-94. (IF=7.3)

35. Zhou C, Zhang X, Zhang Y, ShiYang X, Li Y, Shi X, Xiong  B*. Vitamin C protects carboplatin-exposed oocytes from meiotic  failure. Mol Hum Reprod. 2019 Oct 28;25(10):601-613. (IF=4.0)

34. Lu Y, Chen Y, Cui Z, Xiong B*. Distinct roles of  cohesin acetyltransferases Esco1 and Esco2 in porcine oocyte meiosis I. Cell  Cycle. 2019 Oct;18(19):2481-2494. (IF=4.5)

33. Zhou C, Zhang X, ShiYang X, Wang H, Xiong B*.  Tea polyphenol protects against cisplatin-induced meiotic defects in porcine  oocytes. Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Jul  13;11(13):4706-4719. (IF=5.6)

32. Miao Y, Wang P, Xie B,  Yang M, Li S, Cui Z, Fan Y*, Li M*Xiong B*. BRCA2  deficiency is a potential driver for human primary ovarian insufficiency. Cell  Death Dis. 2019 Jun 17;10(7):474. (IF=8.4)

31. Zhang Y, ShiYang X, Zhang Y, Li Y, Shi X, Xiong B*.  Exposure to aristolochic acid I compromises the maturational competency of  porcine oocytes via oxidative stress-induced DNA damage. Aging (Albany  NY). 2019 Apr 19;11(8):2241-2252. (IF=5.5)

30. Cui Z, Yu L, Shi Yang X, Zhang Y, Shi X, Li Y, Chen  Q*, Xiong B*. Brefeldin A impairs porcine oocyte meiotic  maturation via interruption of organelle dynamics. J Cell Physiol.  2019 Apr 4. doi: 10.1002/jcp.28611. (IF=6.3)

29. Li X, Gao M, He Y, Xiong B, Liu H, Gu L*.  Intersectin-Cdc42 interaction is required for orderly meiosis in porcine  oocytes. J Cell Physiol. 2019 May;234(5):7492-7497. (IF=6.3)

28. Gu L, Li X, Liu X, Gao M, He Y, Xiong B, Liu H*.  HDAC3 inhibition disrupts the assembly of meiotic apparatus during porcine  oocyte maturation. J Cell Physiol. 2019  Jul;234(7):10178-10183. (IF=6.3)

27. Xie Y, Cheng M, Lu S, Yuan Q, Yang D, Chen Y, Pan C, Qiu  Y*, Xiong B*. Eg5 orchestrates porcine oocyte maturational  progression by maintaining meiotic organelle arrangement. Cell Div.  2018 May 24;13:4. (IF=5.1)

26.  Lu Y, Li S, Cui Z, Dai X, Zhang M, Miao Y, Zhou C, Ou X, Xiong B*.  The cohesion establishment factor Esco1 acetylates α-tubulin to ensure proper  spindle assembly in oocyte meiosis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018  Mar 16;46(5):2335-2346. (IF=16.9)

25.  Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Zhang M, ShiYang X, Lu Y, Xiong B*.  Postovulatory aging causes the deterioration of porcine oocytes via induction  of oxidative stress. FASEB J. 2018 Mar;32(3):1328-1337.  (IF=5.1)
 24. Miao Y, Zhou C, Bai Q, Cui Z, ShiYang X, Lu Y, Zhang M, Dai X, Xiong  B*. The protective role of melatonin in porcine oocyte meiotic failure  caused by the exposure to benzo(a)pyrene. Hum Reprod. 2018  Jan 1;33(1):116-127.  (IF=6.9)
 23. Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Tang L,  ShiYang X, Lu Y, Zhang M, Dai X, Xiong B*. Dynein promotes  porcine oocyte meiotic progression by maintaining cytoskeletal structures and  cortical granule arrangement. Cell Cycle. 2017 Sep 21:1-7. (IF=4.5)
 22. Zhang M, Miao Y, Chen Q, Cai M, Dong W, Dai X, Lu Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Xiong  B*. BaP exposure causes oocyte meiotic arrest and fertilization failure  to weaken female fertility. FASEB J. 2017 Sep 13. (IF=5.1)
 21. Lu Y, Dai X, Zhang M, Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Xiong B*.  Cohesin acetyltransferase Esco2 regulates SAC and kinetochore functions via  maintaining H4K16 acetylation during mouse oocyte meiosis. Nucleic  Acids Res. 2017 Sep 19;45(16):9388-9397. (IF=16.9)
 20. Zhang K, Lu Y, Jiang C, Liu W,  Shu J, Chen X, Shi Y, Wang E, Wang L, Hu Q, Dai Y, Xiong B*.  HDAC8 functions in spindle assembly during mouse oocyte meiosis. Oncotarget.  2017 Mar 21;8(12):20092-20102. 

19.  Zhang M, Dai X, Lu Y, Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Liu H, Xiong B*.  Melatonin protects oocyte quality from Bisphenol A-induced deterioration in  the mouse. J Pineal Res. 2017 Apr;62(3). (IF=13.0)

18.  Dai X, Lu Y, Zhang M, Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Xiong B*. Melatonin  improves the fertilization ability of post-ovulatory aged mouse oocytes by  stabilizing ovastacin and Juno to promote sperm binding and fusion. Hum  Reprod. 2017 Mar 1;32(3):598-606. (IF=6.9)

17.  Miao Y, Zhou C, Cui Z, Dai X, Zhang M, Lu Y, Xiong B*. Smc1β is  required for activation of SAC during mouse oocyte meiosis. Cell  Cycle. 2017 Mar 19;16(6):536-544. (IF=4.5)

16. Xiong  B*, Zhao Y, Beall S, Sadusky AB, Dean J*. A Unique Egg Cortical Granule  Localization Motif Is Required for Ovastacin Sequestration to Prevent  Premature ZP2 Cleavage and Ensure Female Fertility in Mice. PLoS  Genet. 2017 Jan 23;13(1):e1006580.  (IF=5.9)

15.  Zhang M, Dai X, Sun Y, Lu Y, Zhou C, Miao Y, Wang Y, Xiong B*.  Stag3 regulates microtubule stability to maintain euploidy during mouse  oocyte meiotic maturation. Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 3;8(1):1593-1602.   

14.  Dai X, Zhang M, Lu Y, Miao Y, Zhou C, Xiong B*. Cullin9 protects  mouse eggs from aneuploidy by controlling microtubule dynamics via  Survivin. BBA-Mol Cell Res. 2016 Dec;1863(12): 2934-2941.  (IF=4.7)

13.  Dai X, Xiong H, Zhang M, Sun S, Xiong  B*. Zfp207 is a Bub3 binding protein regulating meiotic chromosome  alignment in mouse oocytes. Oncotarget. 2016 May 11;  7(21):30155-65. 

12.  Dai X, Zhang M, Lu Y, Miao Y, Zhou C, Sun S, Xiong B*. Melamine  Impairs Female Fertility via Suppressing Protein Level of Juno in Mouse  Eggs. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 3;10(12):e0144248.

11. Li  X, Liu X, Gao M, Han L, Qiu D, Wang H, Xiong B, Sun SC, Liu H, Gu  L*.HDAC3 promotes meiotic apparatus assembly in mouse oocytes by modulating  tubulin acetylation. Development. 2017 Oct 15;144(20):3789-3797. (IF=6.8)

10.  Zhang Y, Wang QC, Liu J, Xiong B, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC. The  small GTPase CDC42 regulates actin dynamics during porcine oocyte  maturation. J Reprod Dev. 2017 Oct 18;63(5):505-510.

9.  Pan MH, Wang F, Lu Y, Tang F, Duan X, Zhang Y, Xiong B, Sun SC*. FHOD1  regulates cytoplasmic actin-based spindle migration for mouse oocyte  asymmetric cell division. J Cell Physiol. 2017 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of  print]. (IF=6.3)

8.  Zhou L, Baibakov B, Canagarajah B, Xiong B, Dean J*. Genetic  mosaics and time-lapse imaging identify functions of histone H3.3 residues in  mouse oocytes and embryos. Development. 2017 Feb  1;144(3):519-528. (IF=6.8)

7.  Liu X, Li X, Ma R, Xiong B, Sun SC, Liu H, Gu L*. Tristetraprolin  functions in cytoskeletal organization during mouse oocyte maturation. Oncotarget.  2016 Aug 16;7(33):53330-53338.

6. Wang  T, Han J, Duan X, Xiong B, Cui XS, Kim NH, Liu HL, Sun SC*. The  toxic effects and possible mechanisms of Bisphenol A on oocyte maturation of  porcine in vitro. Oncotarget. 2016 May 31;7(22):32554-65.

5.  Duan X, Liu J, Zhu CC, Wang QC, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xiong B, Sun SC*.  RhoA-mediated MLC2 regulates actin dynamics for cytokinesis in meiosis. Cell  Cycle. 2016;15(3):471-7.

4.  Dai XX, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xiong B, Sun SC*. Melamine  Induces Oxidative Stress in Mouse Ovary. PLoS One. 2015 Nov  6;10(11):e0142564.

3.  Wang F, Zhang L, Duan X, Zhang GL, Wang ZB, Wang Q, Xiong B, Sun  SC*. RhoA-mediated FMNL1 regulates GM130 for actin assembly and  phosphorylates MAPK for spindle formation in mouse oocyte meiosis. Cell  Cycle. 2015; 14(17):2835-43.

2.  Liu J, Wang QC, Han J, Xiong B, Sun SC*. Aflatoxin B1 is toxic to  porcine oocyte maturation. Mutagenesis. 2015 Jul;30(4):527-35.

1.  Wang QC, Liu J, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xiong B, Sun SC*. The  Dynamin 2 inhibitor Dynasore affects the actin filament distribution during  mouse early embryo development. J Reprod Dev. 2015 Feb  24;61(1):49-53.



1. Lu  S, Lee KK, Harris B, Xiong B, Bose T, Saraf A, Hattem G, Florens  L, Seidel C, Gerton JL*.The cohesin acetyltransferase Eco1 coordinates rDNA  replication and transcription. EMBO Rep. 2014 May;15(5):609-17.

2.  Zhang Y, Duan X, Xiong B, Cui XS, Kim NH, Rui R, Sun SC*. ROCK  inhibitor Y-27632 prevents porcine oocyte maturation. Theriogenology.  2014 Jul 1; 82(1):49-56.

3.  Hou YJ, Xiong B, Zheng WJ, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Wang Q, Xu YX,  Sun SC*. Oocyte quality in mice is affected by a mycotoxin-contaminated  diet. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2014 May;55(4):354-62.

4.  Hou YJ, Zhao YY, Xiong B, Cui XS, Kim NH, Xu YX, Sun SC*.  Mycotoxin-containing diet causes oxidative stress in the mouse. PLoS  One. 2013;8(3) : e60374.

5.  Avella MA*, Xiong B, Dean J. The molecular basis of gamete  recognition in mice and humans. Mol Hum Reprod. 2013  May;19(5):279-89.

6.  Burkart A, Xiong B, Baibakov B, Jimenez-Movilla M, Dean J*.  Ovastacin, a cortical granule metalloendoprotease, cleaves ZP2 in the zona  pellucida to prevent polyspermy. J Cell Biol. 2012 Apr 2;197(1):  37-44.

7. Xiong  B*. Spc25- How kinetochore protein plays during oocyte meiosis. Cell  Cycle. 2011 Apr 1; 10(7): 1028-9.

8. Xiong  B, Lu S, Gerton JL*. Hos1 Is a Lysine Deacetylase for the Smc3 Subunit of  Cohesin. Curr Biol. 2010 Sep 28; 20(18): 1660-5.

9. Xiong  B*, Gerton JL*. Regulators of the cohesin network. Annu Rev  Biochem. 2010; 79: 131-53. (Co-corresponding author)

10.  Lu S, Goering M, Gard S, Xiong B, McNairn AJ, Jaspersen SL,  Gerton JL*. Eco1 is important for DNA damage repair in S. cerevisiae. Cell  Cycle. 2010 Aug 15; 9(16): 3315-27.

11.  Gard S, Light W, Xiong B, Bose T, McNairn AJ, Harris B, Fleharty  B, Seidel C, Brickner J, Gerton JL*. Cohesinopathy mutations disrupt the  subnuclear organization of chromatin. J Cell Biol. 2009 Nov 16;  187(4): 455-62.

12.  Li S, Ou XH, Wang ZB, Xiong B, Tong JS, Wei L, Li M, Yuan J,  Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY*. ERK3 is required for  metaphase-anaphase transition in mouse oocyte meiosis. PLoS One.  2010 Sep 29; 5(9).

13.  Yuan J, Li M, Wei L, Yin S, Xiong B, Li S, Lin SL, Schatten H, Sun  QY*. Astrin regulates meiotic spindle organization, spindle pole tethering  and cell cycle progression in mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle. 2009 Oct  15; 8(20): 3384-95.

14.  Xu BZ, Li M, Xiong B, Lin SL, Zhu JQ, Hou Y, Chen DY, Sun QY*.  Involvement of Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase Kinase in Meiotic  Maturation of Pig Oocytes. Anim Reprod Sci. 2009 Mar; 111(1):  17-30.

15. Xiong  B, Li S, Ai JS, Yin S, OuYang YC, Sun SC, Chen DY, Sun QY*. BRCA1 is  required for meiotic spindle assembly and spindle assembly checkpoint  activation in mouse oocytes. Biol Reprod. 2008 Oct; 79(4):  718-26.

16. Xiong  B, Sun SC, Li M, Xu BZ, Lin SL, OuYang YC, Hou Y, Chen DY, Sun QY*.  Involvement of Polo-like kinase 1 in MEK1/2-regulated spindle assembly during  mouse oocyte meiosis. Cell Cycle. 2008 Jun 15; 7(12): 1804-9.

17. Xiong  B, Yu LZ, Wang Q, Ai JS, Yin S, Liu JH, OuYang YC, Hou Y, Chen DY, Zou H,  Sun QY*. Regulation of intracellular MEK1/2 translocation in mouse oocytes:  cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin-mediated poleward transport and cyclin B  degradation-dependent release from spindle poles. Cell Cycle.  2007 Jun 15; 6(12): 1521-7. (Cover paper)

18.  Yu LZXiong B, Gao WX, Wang CM, Zhong  ZS, Huo LJ, Wang Q, Hou Y, Liu K, Liu J, Schatten H, Chen DY, Sun QY*. MEK1/2  regulates microtubule organization, spindle pole tethering and asymmetric  division during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Cell Cycle. 2007  Feb 1; 6(3): 330-8. (Co-first author)

19.  Li M, Ai JS, Xu BZ, Xiong B, Yin S, Lin SL, Hou Y, Chen DY,  Schatten H, Sun QY*. Testosterone Potentially Triggers Meiotic Resumption by  Activation of Intra-Oocyte SRC and MAPK in Porcine Oocytes. Biol  Reprod. 2008 Nov; 79(5): 897-905.

20.  Sun SC, Xiong B, Lu SS, Sun QY*. MEK1/2 is a critical regulator  of microtubule assembly and spindle organization during rat oocyte meiotic  maturation. Mol Reprod Dev. 2008 Oct; 75(10): 1542-8.

21.  Ai JS, Wang Q, Li M, Shi LH, Ola SI, Xiong B, Yin S, Chen DY, Sun  QY*. Roles of Microtubules and Microfilaments in Spindle Movements During Rat  Oocyte Meiosis. J Reprod Dev. 2008 Oct; 54(5): 391-6.

22.  Ai JS, Wang Q, Yin S, Shi LH, Xiong B, OuYang YC, Hou Y, Chen DY,  Schatten H, Sun QY*. Regulation of peripheral spindle movement and spindle  rotation during mouse oocyte meiosis: new perspectives. Microsc  Microanal. 2008 Aug; 14(4): 349-56.

23.  Li M, Liang CG, Xiong B, Xu BZ, Lin SL, Hou Y, Chen DY, Schatten  H, Sun QY*. PI3-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase in cumulus cells  mediate EGF-induced meiotic resumption of porcine oocyte. Domest Anim  Endocrinol. 2008 May; 34(4): 360-71.

24.  Liu JH, Yin S, Xiong B, Hou Y, Chen DY, Sun QY*. Aberrant DNA  methylation imprints in aborted bovine clones. Mol Reprod Dev.  2008 Apr; 75(4): 598-607.

25.  Yin S, Liu JH, Ai JS, Xiong B, Wang Q, Hou Y, Chen DY, Sun QY*.  Cdc20 is required for the anaphase onset of the first meiosis but not the  second meiosis in mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle. 2007 Dec 1; 6(23):  2990-2.

26.  Tang LS, Wang Q, Xiong B, Hou Y, Zhang YZ, Sun QY, Wang SY*.  Dynamic changes in histone acetylation during sheep oocyte maturation. J  Reprod Dev. 2007 Jun; 53(3): 555-61.

27.  Wang Q, Wang CM, Ai JS, Xiong B, Yin S, Hou Y, Chen DY, Schatten  H, Sun QY*. Histone phosphorylation and pericentromeric histone modifications  in oocyte meiosis. Cell Cycle. 2006 Sep; 5(17): 1974-82.




