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来源: 发布时间 : 2021-09-17 点击量:










































1.     “卵母细胞与次黄嘌呤协同调控猪卵泡颗粒细胞G2/M期转变的分子机制”(31972571),2020.1-2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,经费57万元。

2.    “非洲猪瘟形势下提高母猪繁殖力的关键技术创新”(CX(20)2011),2020.8-2023.7,江苏省现代农业产业关键技术创新,主持,经费117万元。

3.    氧化应激对猪有腔卵泡闭锁的影响及机制(31630072),2017-2020,国家自然科学基金重点项目,主持,260万元。

4.    “应用现代分子育种技术培育高繁殖力优质瘦肉型猪配套系”(T0201900482),2018-2026,江苏省农业重大新品种创制项目,主持,经费216万元。

5.    节粮型高瘦肉率转基因猪新品种培育2016ZX08006001-003),2016-2020,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项任务,主持,经费822.71万元。

6.    节粮型高瘦肉率转基因猪新品种培育2008ZX08006-003),2008-2017,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项任务,主持,经费900万元。

7.    “猪繁殖力的生理学及相关遗传调控机理”(2014CB138502),2014-2018“973”,经费480万元。

8.    卵泡闭锁的分子机制2007CB947403),2007-2010“973”课题,主持,经费550万元。

9.    “猪肝脏IGF1基因表达调控机制研究”(31472073),2015-2018,国家自然科学基金,主持,88万元。

10.    let-7家族miRNA调控猪卵泡闭锁的分子机制” (31172187)2012-2015,国家自然科学基金,主持,经费58万元。

11.   猪肉质性状的表观遗传学调控2007AA10Z100),2007-2010“863”项目,主持,经费70万元。

12.   小鼠卵细胞质对供体核DNA甲基化和印记基因表达的调控304771244),2005-2007,国家自然科学基金,主持,经费19万元。

13.   组蛋白去乙酰化对小鼠核移植胚基因组重序的调控30371034),2006-2008,国家自然科学基金,主持,经费19万元。

14.   “DOT1调节卵母细胞减数分裂的机制及其对胚胎早期发育的影响30771552),2008-2010,国家自然科学基金,主持,经费30万元。

15.   “JMJD2 蛋白家族对小鼠早期胚胎H3K9 甲基化修饰及发育能力的影响31072028),2011-2013,国家自然科学基金,主持,经费38万元。

16.   “杂交细胞中小鼠ES细胞诱导体细胞核基因组重序的分子机制”(NCET-05-0493),2006-2009,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持,经费35万元。

17.   “家禽生物反应器研究”(2007AA100504),2007-2010863重点项目,子课题主持,经费40万元。







另一方面,团队长期研究节粮型高瘦肉率转基因猪新品种培育及配套系培育,应用现代分子育种技术培育高繁殖力优质瘦肉型猪配套系; MSTN打靶长白猪新品系培育。利用转录组测序鉴定影响猪肉色、肌内脂肪等肉质性状的关键基因,包括编码基因与非编码基因;利用蛋白组技术鉴定影响猪肉色性状的关键蛋白;利用全基因组甲基化测序技术揭示肉色性状差异的表观遗传调控机制;利用猪资源群体开展影响猪肉质性状的关键遗传变异位点及功能分析;在细胞水平开展肉质性状的关键基因,包括编码基因与非编码基因的功能验证;猪肌内脂肪活体精准测定技术研发。


1.       Li R,  Li B, Cao Y, Li W, Dai W, Zhang L, Zhang X, Ning C, Li H, Yao Y, Liu H:  Long non-coding RNA Mir22hg-derived miR-22-3p promotes skeletal muscle  differentiation and regeneration by inhibiting HDAC4. Molecular  Therapy-Nucleic Acids 2021, 24:200-211.

2.       Li C,  Liu Z, Wu G, Zang Z, Zhang J-Q, Li X, Tao J, Shen M, Liu H: FOXO1  mediates hypoxia-induced G0/G1 arrest in ovarian somatic granulosa cells via  activating the TP53INP1-p53-CDKN1A pathway. Development (Cambridge, England)  2021.

3.       Zhang J,  Yao W, Pan Z, Liu H: Long-distance chromatin interaction of IGF1  during embryonic and postnatal development in the liver of Sus scrofa.  Functional & Integrative Genomics 2021, 21(1):59-72.

4.       Wu W,  Zhang Z, Chao Z, Li B, Li R, Jiang A, Kim K-H, Liu H: Transcriptome  analysis reveals the genetic basis of skeletal muscle glycolytic potential  based on a pig model. Gene 2021, 766.

5.       Tao J,  Zhang X, Zhou J, Li C, Yang M, Liu Z, Liu H: Melatonin alleviates  hypoxia-induced apoptosis of granulosa cells by reducing ROS and activating  MTNR1B-PKA-Caspase8/9 pathway. Antioxidants 2021, 10(2):184.

6.       Jiang  Y, Shen M, Chen Y, Wei Y, Tao J, Liu H: Melatonin Represses Mitophagy  to Protect Mouse Granulosa Cells from Oxidative Damage. Biomolecules 2021,  11(7).

7.       Jiang  A, Guo H, Wu W, Liu H: The Crosstalk between Autophagy and Apoptosis  Is Necessary for Myogenic Differentiation. Journal of Agricultural and Food  Chemistry 2021, 69(13):3942-3951.

8.       Cao Y,  Li R, Shen M, Li C, Zou Y, Jiang Q, Liu S, Lu C, Li H, Liu H, Cai Y:  DDRGK1, a crucial player of ufmylation system, is indispensable for  autophagic degradation by regulating lysosomal function. Cell Death &  Disease 2021, 12(5).

9.       Cao Y,  Li R, Li W, Liu H, Cai Y: Melatonin Attenuates Peroxynitrite-Induced  Meiosis Dysfunction in Porcine Oocytes. Reproductive Sciences 2021,  28(5):1281-1289.

10.    Zhang  X, Zhou C, Li W, Li J, Wu W, Tao J, Liu H: Vitamin C Protects Porcine  Oocytes From Microcystin-LR Toxicity During Maturation. Frontiers in Cell and  Developmental Biology 2020, 8.

11.    Zhang  X, Zhou C, Cheng W, Tao R, Xu H, Liu H: Vitamin C protects early mouse  embryos against juglone toxicity. Reproductive Toxicology 2020, 98:200-208.

12.    Shi X,  Guan Z, Yu J, Liu H: Follicle Stimulating Hormone Inhibits the  Expression of p53 Up-Regulated Modulator of Apoptosis Induced by Reactive  Oxygen Species Through PI3K/Akt in Mouse Granulosa Cells. Physiological  Research 2020, 69(4):687-694.

13.    Liu Z,  Li C, Wu G, Li W, Zhang X, Zhou J, Zhang L, Tao J, Shen M, Liu H:  Involvement of JNK/FOXO1 pathway in apoptosis induced by severe hypoxia in  porcine granulosa cells. Theriogenology 2020, 154:120-127.

14.    Li R,  Li B, Shen M, Cao Y, Zhang X, Li W, Tao J, Wu W, Liu H: LncRNA  2310043L19Rik inhibits differentiation and promotes proliferation of myoblast  by sponging miR-125a-Sp. Aging-Us 2020, 12(7):5625-5639.

15.    Li C,  Zhou J, Liu Z, Zhou J, Yao W, Tao J, Shen M, Liu H: FSH prevents  porcine granulosa cells from hypoxia-induced apoptosis via activating  mitophagy through the HIF-1 alpha-PINK1-Parkin pathway. Faseb Journal 2020,  34(3):3631-3645.

16.    Li C,  Meng X, Liu S, Li W, Zhang X, Zhou J, Yao W, Dong C, Tao J, Wu W, Shen M, Liu  H: Oocytes and hypoxanthine orchestrate the G2-M switch mechanism in  ovarian granulosa cells. Development 2020, 147(13).

17.    Li C,  Liu Z, Zhou J, Meng X, Liu S, Li W, Zhang X, Zhou J, Yao W, Dong C, Liu H:  Insulin-like growth factor-I prevents hypoxia-inducible factor-1  alpha-dependent G1/S arrest by activating cyclin E/cyclin-dependent kinase2  via the phoshatidylinositol-3 kinase/AKT/forkhead box O1/Cdkn1b pathway in  porcine granulosa cells. Biology of Reproduction 2020, 102(1):116-132.

18.    Li C,  Liu Z, Li W, Zhang L, Zhou J, Sun M, Zhou J, Yao W, Tao J, Shen M, Liu H:  The FSH-HIF-1 alpha-VEGF Pathway Is Critical for Ovulation and Oocyte Health  but Not Necessary for Follicular Growth in Mice. Endocrinology 2020, 161(4).

19.    Li B,  Yin D, Li P, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Li H, Li R, Hou L, Liu H, Wu W:  Profiling and Functional Analysis of Circular RNAs in Porcine Fast and Slow  Muscles. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2020, 8.

20.    Gao X,  Zhang J, Pan Z, Li Q, Liu H: The distribution and expression of  vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) during follicular development  and atresia in the pig. Reproduction Fertility and Development 2020,  32(3):259-266.

21.    Zhao  F, Wu W, Wei Q, Shen M, Li B, Jiang Y, Liu K, Liu H: Exogenous  adrenocorticotropic hormone affects genome-wide DNA methylation and  transcriptome of corpus luteum in sows. Faseb Journal 2019, 33(3):3264-3278.

22.    Zhang  Z, Chen Y, Li B, Yao Y, Jiang A, Wei W, Liu H, Wu W: Identification of  a novel miR-206-Notch3 pathway regulating mouse myoblasts proliferation. Gene  2019, 695:57-64.

23.    Zhang  X, Li W, Sun X, Li J, Wu W, Liu H: Vitamin C protects against defects  induced by juglone during porcine oocyte maturation. Journal of Cellular  Physiology 2019, 234(11):19574-19581.

24.    Zhang  J, Zhang J, Gao B, Xu Y, Liu H, Pan Z: Detection of the effects and  potential interactions of FSH, VEGFA, and 2-methoxyestradiol in follicular  angiogenesis, growth, and atresia in mouse ovaries. Molecular Reproduction  and Development 2019, 86(5):566-575.

25.    Zhang  J, Xu Y, Liu H, Pan Z: MicroRNAs in ovarian follicular atresia and  granulosa cell apoptosis. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2019, 17.

26.    Weng  Q, Li B, Liu Z, Liu K, Wu W, Liu H: ACTH Induces Oxidative Stress and Decreases  DNA Methylation of Fkbp5 in Suhuai Sow. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 2019,  39(3):401-405.

27.    Cao Y,  Shen M, Jiang Y, Sun SC, Liu H: Melatonin reduces oxidative damage in  mouse granulosa cells via restraining JNK-dependent autophagy. Reproduction 2018:REP-18-0002.

28.    Zhou  J, Yao W, Li C, Wu W, Li Q, Liu H: Administration of  follicle-stimulating hormone induces autophagy via upregulation of HIF-1α in  mouse granulosa cells. Cell Death & Disease 2017, 8(8):e3001.

29.    Shen  M, Jiang Y, Guan Z, Cao Y, Li L, Liu H, Sun SC: Protective mechanism  of FSH against oxidative damage in mouse ovarian granulosa cells by  repressing autophagy. Autophagy 2017:00-00.

30.    刘红林: 转基因动物制备技术. 中国猪业 2016,  11(004):60-61.




